Should I supply additional appliances such as a Refrigerator, Washer, and Dryer?

Landlords and rental property owners often ask our team about providing appliances. Appliances can be a contentious topic, so we're here to provide guidance on whether or not you should supply them, which appliances we recommend, and how to protect yourself when it comes to maintenance.

Question 1: Am I required to provide appliances to my tenants?

Legally, the answer is no. However, practically speaking, it is recommended. You are not legally obligated to provide appliances to your tenants according to the Landlord/Tenant Law in the state of NC/SC. This law specifies the minimum requirements that landlords must meet, such as providing working window locks, functioning plumbing and electrical systems, and trash receptacles. While appliances are not mandated by this law, it is advisable for landlords to provide them in order to make their properties more appealing to potential tenants.

Click here to review - NC Landlord Tenant Law

Click here to review - SC Landlord tenant Act

There are some appliances we recommend you absolutely provide to your tenants. Refrigerators and stoves are the top two appliances necessary for a space to be truly habitable. Extra appliances like dishwashers, microwave washers, and dryers are a bit more ambiguous. They are not necessary but can be a nice offering to potential tenants. This is especially the case if your rental competition is providing these additional amenities.

Be aware that some appliances typically require more maintenance than others. Washers and Dryers, for instance, have a tendency to break down. You should factor additional maintenance into your anticipated expenses when providing this kind of appliance to your tenant.

Question 2: Do I have to maintain the appliances I'm providing to my tenants?

The answer, in this case, as per NC Landlord-tenant Law, is "Yes".

If the Owner is not willing to maintain an appliance, then the appliance should be removed from the property at the owner's expense prior to rental marketing or leasing to avoid discrepancies and lease compliance issues. TouchPoint's maintenance team can assist with the removal of the appliance.

Question 3: What happens if you provide appliances to your tenants and they break due to tenant misuse or neglect?

TouchPoint PM's lease agreement clearly outlines how issues with appliances will be handled, as well as who is responsible for their maintenance.

Based on the maintenance technician's assessment of the appliance's diagnosis, age, and condition, TouchPoint will document the cause of the breakdown or damage and classify it as either "normal wear and tear" or "Damage from Tenant Misuse and Neglect."