We want to inform you about the steps involved in the eviction process.

The most common reasons for eviction are non-payment of rent and lease compliance issues.

It is not uncommon for tenants to pay their rent or correct a lease violation after they receive formal notices.

Here is a breakdown and timeline of the steps involved:

  1. The tenant's rent is due on the first and is considered late if unpaid by the 5th.
  2. On day 6, if the rent is unpaid, we send the tenant an official “10-Day Notice of Demand for Rent”
  3. On day 16, If the total amount of the rent has not been paid, we officially file a “Summary Ejectment” (Eviction) with the Courts.
  4. Within 30 days, a Court Hearing Date will be scheduled.
  5. Within 30 days, our attorney will attend the Court Hearing.
  6. After the Court Hearing, the tenant has 10 days to appeal. If no appeal is made within this period, proceed to Step 9. If an appeal is made, continue with Step 5.
  7. Within 30 days of the appeal, an Appeal Court Date will be scheduled.
  8. The tenant is required to pay the Rent Bond, which is the total amount of rent due, to the Clerk of Court.
  9. Within 30 days, our attorney will attend the Court for the appeal.
  10. If the tenant fails to pay the Rent Bond before the Appeal Court, we will be granted possession.
  11. Within 10 days of being granted possession, we will meet the Sheriff at the property to carry out the Lock-Out and lock the tenant out.
  12. Following the Lock-Out, the tenant will have seven days to request the retrieval of any possessions left on the property.

Please expect weekly updates from our team as we progress through this process. Rest assured, we will handle all of this for you.