Moving in and out of a new residence can be a time-consuming and stressful process for residents. It often requires more time than they have available. In addition, there can be significant variations in cleaning standards from one individual to another, which can lead to discrepancies and issues with lease compliance. We want to avoid these problems.

The rules for vacating a rental property are strict, and failure to follow them correctly can result in penalty fees or the loss of the tenant's security deposit. Residents are required to leave the property professionally deep cleaned upon move-out. "Professionally deep cleaned" means that the property should be left in the same condition as when the resident moved in, except for reasonable wear and tear, as stated in TouchPoint PM's Lease Agreement.

To reduce the workload for residents during move-out and to avoid cleaning discrepancies, penalties, and ensure that the premises meet TouchPoint's standards for new residents, residents agree to pay a non-refundable administrative pre-paid move-out fee.

The fee amount ranges from $300 to $700, depending on the size and number of bathrooms.

This fee is paid before move-in, and in return, TouchPoint does not require residents to leave the premises professionally deep cleaned upon move-out.

Payment of this fee covers:

This fee does not include: